Corrin resumed the lead at a slightly slower pace. Gorgath, after the accident, was far more cautious then before, and used his eyes far more then he had been. Mindartis came in third, and Heian brought up the rear, using his sunstone to light his part of the small passageway. before long, the Heroes came to an open room. Three doors loomed ahead of them, taunting them with visions of treasure and adventure behind each one.
Before long, a system was worked out, and our heroes went about going through the doors, starting with the one on the left. As Gorgath kicked down the door, a treasure chest came into view, and Corrin rushed boldly into the room. When he got to the center of the room, the stone sank two inches under his feet, and a door slid open over the door and began to pour sand down to obscure the entrance. Corrin Lifted his foot and ran back to the door. As the pressure plate was released, the compartment slid to a close, and Corrin escaped the room. But of course, sand was not going to stop the travelers and a rope was tied to Corrin's waist. As he dashed towards the chest sand began to fall, stop, and fall again. However, upon reaching the chest, which was checked extensively for traps, the sand stopped it's descent.
Corrin opened the chest very cautiously, and pulled himself over the side of the chest, and fell with a thump inside. the contents seemed to be meager, ten gold pieces, and two casks of a strange, fizzy liquid. After lifting the second flagon somewhat jerkily from the bottom of the chest and into his backpack, two holes in the chest were revealed to him."I seem to have found some holes in the bottom of this chest!" he reached down into the first, he grabbed onto a rock, lifted it, and found a pristine diamond. "I call the diamond!" Mindartis shouted from the other room. Corrin then reached into the second hold and found a map of the caves they were in. Then Corrin turned his attentions to the flagons; he saw an opportunity to sample this fine liquid, but checked to make sure it was safe first. He began by wafting any stench towards himself, and upon passing that test, the liquid was swirled to check for contamination. Corrin took every precaution, before finally saying, "I believe, friends, that i have found some grade A wizards brew!" and as soon as the last words left his lips, he downed one of the entire flagons in three gulps... and became exceedingly drunk.
This narrator makes my brave sampling of an unknown and possibly poisonous beverage sound so tawdry! As if I were only doing it for myself.